Source code for gismo.corpus

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# GISMO: a Generic Information Search with a Mind of its Own

from gismo.common import MixInIO, toy_source_text, toy_source_dict

import numpy as np
from itertools import chain

[docs]class Corpus(MixInIO): """ The Corpus class is the starting point of any Gismo workflow. It abstracts dataset pre-processing. It is just a list of items (called documents in Gismo) augmented with a method that describes how to convert a document to a string object. It is used to build an :py:class:`~gismo.embedding.Embedding`. Parameters ---------- source: list The list of items that constitutes the dataset to analyze. Actually, any iterable object with :func:`__len__` and :func:`__getitem__` methods can potentially be used as a source (see :py:class:`~gismo.filesource.FileSource` for an example). to_text: function, optional The function that transforms an item from the source into plain text (:py:class:`str`). If not set, it will default to the identity function ``lambda x: x``. Examples -------- The following code uses the :py:obj:`~gismo.common.toy_source_text` list as source and specifies that the text extraction method should be: take the 15 first characters and add `...`. When we iterate with the :py:meth:`~gismo.corpus.Corpus.iterate` method, observe that the extraction is **not** applied. >>> corpus = Corpus(toy_source_text, to_text=lambda x: f"{x[:15]}...") >>> for c in corpus.iterate(): ... print(c) Gizmo is a Mogwaï. This is a sentence about Blade. This is another sentence about Shadoks. This very long sentence, with a lot of stuff about Star Wars inside, makes at some point a side reference to the Gremlins movie by comparing Gizmo and Yoda. In chinese folklore, a Mogwaï is a demon. When we iterate with the :py:meth:`~gismo.corpus.Corpus.iterate_text` method, observe that the extraction **is** applied. >>> for c in corpus.iterate_text(): ... print(c) Gizmo is a Mogw... This is a sente... This is another... This very long ... In chinese folk... A corpus object can be saved/loaded with the :py:meth:`~gismo.common.MixInIO.dump` and :py:meth:`~gismo.common.MixInIO.load` methods inherited from the MixIn :py:class:`~gismo.common.MixInIO` class. The :py:meth:`~gismo.common.MixInIO.load` method is a class method to be used instead of the constructor. >>> import tempfile >>> corpus1 = Corpus(toy_source_text) >>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: ... corpus1.dump(filename="myfile", path=tmpdirname) ... corpus2 = Corpus.load(filename="myfile", path=tmpdirname) >>> corpus2[0] 'Gizmo is a Mogwaï.' """ def __init__(self, source=None, to_text=None): self.source = source self.i = 0 self.n = 0 if source is None or not hasattr(source, '__len__') else len(source) self.iter = None if to_text is None: self.to_text = lambda x: x else: self.to_text = to_text def iterate_text(self, to_text=None): if to_text is None: to_text = self.to_text return (to_text(entry) for entry in self.source) def iterate(self): return (entry for entry in self.source) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.source[i] def __len__(self): return self.n
[docs] def merge_new_source(self, new_source, doc2key=None): """ Incorporate new entries while avoiding the creation of duplicates. This method is typically used when you have a dynamic source like a RSS feed and you want to periodically update your corpus. Parameters ---------- new_source: list Source compatible (e.g. similar item type) with the current source. doc2key: function Callback that provides items with unique hashable keys, used to avoid duplicates. Examples -------- The following code uses the :py:obj:`~gismo.common.toy_source_dict` list as source and add two new items, including a redundant one. >>> corpus = Corpus(toy_source_dict.copy(), to_text=lambda x: x['content'][:14]) >>> len(corpus) 5 >>> new_corpus = [{"title": "Another document", "content": "I don't know what to say!"}, ... {'title': 'Fifth Document', 'content': 'In chinese folklore, a Mogwaï is a demon.'}] >>> corpus.merge_new_source(new_corpus, doc2key=lambda e: e['title']) >>> len(corpus) 6 >>> for c in corpus.iterate_text(): ... print(c) Gizmo is a Mog This is a sent This is anothe This very long In chinese fol I don't know w """ if doc2key is None: print("Incremental corpus requires to provide a doc2key function") return self if self.source is None: self.source = [] new_keys = {doc2key(d) for d in new_source} - {doc2key(d) for d in self.source} self.source += [d for d in new_source if doc2key(d) in new_keys] self.n = len(self.source)
[docs]class CorpusList(MixInIO): """ This class makes a list of corpi behave like one single virtual corpus. This is useful to glue together corpi with distinct shapes and :py:meth:`to_text` methods. Parameters ---------- corpus_list: list of :py:class:`.Corpus` The list of corpi to glue. Example ------- >>> multi_corp = CorpusList([Corpus(toy_source_text, lambda x: x[:15]+"..."), ... Corpus(toy_source_dict, lambda e: e['title'])]) >>> len(multi_corp) 10 >>> multi_corp[7] {'title': 'Third Document', 'content': 'This is another sentence about Shadoks.'} >>> for c in multi_corp.iterate_text(): ... print(c) Gizmo is a Mogw... This is a sente... This is another... This very long ... In chinese folk... First Document Second Document Third Document Fourth Document Fifth Document """ def __init__(self, corpus_list=None, filename=None, path='.'): if corpus_list is None or len(corpus_list) == 0: print("Please provide a non-empty list of corpi!") else: self.corpus_list = corpus_list self.cum_n = np.cumsum([len(corpus) for corpus in self.corpus_list]) self.n = self.cum_n[-1] def iterate(self): return chain.from_iterable([corpus.iterate() for corpus in self.corpus_list]) def iterate_text(self): return chain.from_iterable([corpus.iterate_text() for corpus in self.corpus_list]) def __getitem__(self, i): corpus_indice = np.searchsorted(self.cum_n, i, side='right') local_i = i if corpus_indice == 0 else (i - self.cum_n[corpus_indice - 1]) return self.corpus_list[corpus_indice][local_i] def __len__(self): return self.n