Source code for gismo.gismo

"""Main module."""
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import vstack, csr_matrix
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from functools import partial

from gismo.common import MixInIO, toy_source_dict, auto_k
from gismo.datasets.dblp import url2source
from gismo.corpus import Corpus
from gismo.embedding import Embedding
from gismo.diteration import DIteration
from gismo.parameters import Parameters
from gismo.clustering import subspace_clusterize, covering_order, subspace_distortion
from gismo.post_processing import post_documents_item_raw, post_documents_item_content, post_documents_cluster_json, \
    post_features_item_raw, post_features_cluster_json, post_documents_cluster_print, post_features_cluster_print

[docs]class Gismo(MixInIO): """ Gismo mixes a corpus and its embedding to provide search and structure methods. Parameters ---------- corpus: Corpus Defines the documents of the gismo. embedding: Embedding Defines the embedding of the gismo. kwargs: dict Custom default runtime parameters. You just need to specify the parameters that differ from :obj:`~gismo.parameters.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS`. Example ------- The Corpus class defines how documents of a source should be converted to plain text. >>> corpus = Corpus(toy_source_dict, lambda x: x['content']) The Embedding class extracts features (e.g. words) and computes weights between documents and features. >>> vectorizer = CountVectorizer(dtype=float) >>> embedding = Embedding(vectorizer=vectorizer) >>> embedding.fit_transform(corpus) >>> embedding.m # number of features 36 The Gismo class combines them for performing queries. After a query is performed, one can ask for the best items. The number of items to return can be specified with parameter ``k`` or automatically adjusted. >>> gismo = Gismo(corpus, embedding) >>> success = gismo.rank("Gizmo") >>> gismo.parameters.target_k = .2 # The toy dataset is very small, so we lower the auto_k parameter. >>> gismo.get_documents_by_rank() [{'title': 'First Document', 'content': 'Gizmo is a Mogwaï.'}, {'title': 'Fourth Document', 'content': 'This very long sentence, with a lot of stuff about Star Wars inside, makes at some point a side reference to the Gremlins movie by comparing Gizmo and Yoda.'}, {'title': 'Fifth Document', 'content': 'In chinese folklore, a Mogwaï is a demon.'}] Post processing functions can be used to tweak the returned object (the underlying ranking is unchanged) >>> gismo.post_documents_item = partial(post_documents_item_content, max_size=44) >>> gismo.get_documents_by_rank() ['Gizmo is a Mogwaï.', 'This very long sentence, with a lot of stuff', 'In chinese folklore, a Mogwaï is a demon.'] Ranking also works on features. >>> gismo.get_features_by_rank() ['mogwaï', 'gizmo', 'is', 'in', 'demon', 'chinese', 'folklore'] Clustering organizes results can provide additional hints on their relationships. >>> gismo.post_documents_cluster = post_documents_cluster_print >>> gismo.get_documents_by_cluster(resolution=.9) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE F: 0.60. R: 0.65. S: 0.98. - F: 0.71. R: 0.57. S: 0.98. -- Gizmo is a Mogwaï. (R: 0.54; S: 0.99) -- In chinese folklore, a Mogwaï is a demon. (R: 0.04; S: 0.71) - This very long sentence, with a lot of stuff (R: 0.08; S: 0.69) >>> gismo.post_features_cluster = post_features_cluster_print >>> gismo.get_features_by_cluster() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE F: 0.03. R: 0.29. S: 0.98. - F: 1.00. R: 0.27. S: 0.99. -- mogwaï (R: 0.12; S: 0.99) -- gizmo (R: 0.12; S: 0.99) -- is (R: 0.03; S: 0.99) - F: 1.00. R: 0.02. S: 0.07. -- in (R: 0.00; S: 0.07) -- demon (R: 0.00; S: 0.07) -- chinese (R: 0.00; S: 0.07) -- folklore (R: 0.00; S: 0.07) As an alternative to a textual query, the :meth:`~gismo.gismo.Gismo.rank` method can directly use a vector `z` as input. >>> z, s = gismo.embedding.query_projection("gizmo chinese folklore") >>> z # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE <1x36 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>' with 3 stored elements in Compressed Sparse Row format> >>> s = gismo.rank(z=z) >>> s True >>> gismo.get_documents_by_rank(k=2) ['In chinese folklore, a Mogwaï is a demon.', 'Gizmo is a Mogwaï.'] >>> gismo.get_features_by_rank() ['mogwaï', 'in', 'chinese', 'folklore', 'demon', 'gizmo', 'is'] The class also offers :meth:`~gismo.gismo.Gismo.get_documents_by_coverage` and :meth:`~gismo.gismo.Gismo.get_features_by_coverage` that yield a list of results obtained from a Covering-like traversal of the ranked cluster. To demonstrate it, we first add an outsider document to the corpus and rebuild Gismo. >>> new_entry = {'title': 'Minority Report', 'content': 'Totally unrelated stuff.'} >>> corpus = Corpus(toy_source_dict+[new_entry], lambda x: x['content']) >>> vectorizer = CountVectorizer(dtype=float) >>> embedding = Embedding(vectorizer=vectorizer) >>> embedding.fit_transform(corpus) >>> gismo = Gismo(corpus, embedding) >>> gismo.post_documents_item = post_documents_item_content >>> success = gismo.rank("Gizmo") >>> gismo.parameters.target_k = .3 Remind the classical rank-based result. >>> gismo.get_documents_by_rank() ['Gizmo is a Mogwaï.', 'This very long sentence, with a lot of stuff about Star Wars inside, makes at some point a side reference to the Gremlins movie by comparing Gizmo and Yoda.', 'In chinese folklore, a Mogwaï is a demon.'] Gismo can use the cluster to propose alternate results that try to cover more subjects. >>> gismo.get_documents_by_coverage() ['Gizmo is a Mogwaï.', 'Totally unrelated stuff.', 'This is a sentence about Blade.'] Note how the new entry, which has nothing to do with the rest, is pushed into the results. By setting the ``wide`` option to False, we get an alternative that focuses on mainstream results. >>> gismo.get_documents_by_coverage(wide=False) ['Gizmo is a Mogwaï.', 'This is a sentence about Blade.', 'This very long sentence, with a lot of stuff about Star Wars inside, makes at some point a side reference to the Gremlins movie by comparing Gizmo and Yoda.'] The same principle applies for features. >>> gismo.get_features_by_rank() ['mogwaï', 'gizmo', 'is', 'in', 'chinese', 'folklore', 'demon'] >>> gismo.get_features_by_coverage() ['mogwaï', 'this', 'in', 'by', 'gizmo', 'is', 'chinese'] """ def __init__(self, corpus=None, embedding=None, **kwargs): self.corpus = corpus self.embedding = embedding self.diteration = DIteration(n=embedding.n, m=embedding.m) self.parameters = Parameters(**kwargs) self.post_documents_item = post_documents_item_raw self.post_features_item = post_features_item_raw self.post_documents_cluster = post_documents_cluster_json self.post_features_cluster = post_features_cluster_json # Ranking Part
[docs] def rank(self, query="", z=None, **kwargs): """ Runs the Diteration using query as starting point Parameters ---------- query: str Text that starts DIteration z: :class:`~scipy.sparse.csr_matrix`, optional Query vector to use in place of the textual query kwargs: dict, optional Custom runtime parameters. Returns ------- success: bool success of the query projection. If projection fails, a ranking on uniform distribution is performed. """ p = self.parameters(**kwargs) if z is None: z, success = self.embedding.query_projection(query) else: success = True self.diteration(self.embedding.x, self.embedding.y, z, alpha=p['alpha'], n_iter=p['n_iter'], offset=p['offset'], memory=p['memory']) return success
[docs] def get_documents_by_rank(self, k=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of top documents according to the current ranking. By default, the documents are post_processed through the post_documents_item method. Parameters ---------- k: int, optional Number of documents to output. If not set, k is automatically computed using the max_k and target_k runtime parameters. kwargs: dict, optional Custom runtime parameters. Returns ------- list """ p = self.parameters(**kwargs) if k is None: k = auto_k(data=self.diteration.x_relevance, order=self.diteration.x_order, max_k=p['max_k'], target=p['target_k']) if p['post']: return [self.post_documents_item(self, i) for i in self.diteration.x_order[:k]] else: return self.diteration.x_order[:k]
[docs] def get_features_by_rank(self, k=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of top features according to the current ranking. By default, the features are post_processed through the post_features_item method. Parameters ---------- k: int, optional Number of documents to output. If not set, k is automatically computed using the max_k and target_k runtime parameters. kwargs: dict, optional Custom runtime parameters. Returns ------- list """ p = self.parameters(**kwargs) if k is None: k = auto_k(data=self.diteration.y_relevance, order=self.diteration.y_order, max_k=p['max_k'], target=p['target_k']) if p['post']: return [self.post_features_item(self, i) for i in self.diteration.y_order[:k]] else: return self.diteration.y_order[:k]
# Cluster part
[docs] def get_documents_by_cluster_from_indices(self, indices, **kwargs): """ Returns a cluster of documents. The cluster is by default post_processed through the post_documents_cluster method. Parameters ---------- indices: list of int The indices of documents to be processed. It is assumed that the documents are sorted by importance. kwargs: dict, optional Custom runtime parameters. Returns ------- object """ p = self.parameters(**kwargs) subspace = vstack([self.embedding.x[i, :] for i in indices]) if p['distortion']>0: subspace_distortion(indices=subspace.indices,, relevance=self.diteration.y_relevance, distortion=p['distortion']) cluster = subspace_clusterize(subspace, p['resolution'], indices) if p['post']: return self.post_documents_cluster(self, cluster) return cluster
[docs] def get_documents_by_cluster(self, k=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a cluster of the best ranked documents. The cluster is by default post_processed through the post_documents_cluster method. Parameters ---------- k: int, optional Number of documents to output. If not set, k is automatically computed using the max_k and target_k runtime parameters. kwargs: dict, optional Custom runtime parameters. Returns ------- object """ p = self.parameters(**kwargs) if k is None: k = auto_k(data=self.diteration.x_relevance, order=self.diteration.x_order, max_k=p['max_k'], target=p['target_k']) return self.get_documents_by_cluster_from_indices(self.diteration.x_order[:k], **kwargs)
[docs] def get_features_by_cluster_from_indices(self, indices, **kwargs): """ Returns a cluster of features. The cluster is by default post_processed through the post_features_cluster method. Parameters ---------- indices: list of int The indices of features to be processed. It is assumed that the features are sorted by importance. kwargs: dict, optional Custom runtime parameters Returns ------- object """ p = self.parameters(**kwargs) subspace = vstack([self.embedding.y[i, :] for i in indices]) if p['distortion']>0: subspace_distortion(indices=subspace.indices,, relevance=self.diteration.x_relevance, distortion=p['distortion']) cluster = subspace_clusterize(subspace, p['resolution'], indices) if p['post']: return self.post_features_cluster(self, cluster) return cluster
[docs] def get_features_by_cluster(self, k=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a cluster of the best ranked features. The cluster is by default post_processed through the post_features_cluster method. Parameters ---------- k: int, optional Number of documents to output. If not set, k is automatically computed using the max_k and target_k runtime parameters. kwargs: dict, optional Custom runtime parameters. Returns ------- object """ p = self.parameters(**kwargs) if k is None: k = auto_k(data=self.diteration.y_relevance, order=self.diteration.y_order, max_k=p['max_k'], target=p['target_k']) return self.get_features_by_cluster_from_indices(self.diteration.y_order[:k], **kwargs)
# Covering part
[docs] def get_documents_by_coverage(self, k=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of top covering documents. By default, the documents are post_processed through the post_documents_item method. Parameters ---------- k: int, optional Number of documents to output. If not set, k is automatically computed using the max_k and target_k runtime parameters. kwargs: dict, optional Custom runtime parameters. Returns ------- list """ p = self.parameters(**kwargs) post = p['post'] if k is None: k = auto_k(data=self.diteration.x_relevance, order=self.diteration.x_order, max_k=p['max_k'], target=p['target_k']) p['post'] = False cluster = self.get_documents_by_cluster(k=int(k * p['stretch']), **p) indices = covering_order(cluster, wide=p['wide'])[:k] if post: return [self.post_documents_item(self, i) for i in indices] else: return indices
[docs] def get_features_by_coverage(self, k=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a list of top covering features. By default, the features are post_processed through the post_features_item method. Parameters ---------- k: int, optional Number of documents to output. If not set, k is automatically computed using the max_k and target_k runtime parameters. kwargs: dict, optional Custom runtime parameters. Returns ------- list """ p = self.parameters(**kwargs) post = p['post'] if k is None: k = auto_k(data=self.diteration.y_relevance, order=self.diteration.y_order, max_k=p['max_k'], target=p['target_k']) p['post'] = False cluster = self.get_features_by_cluster(k=int(k * p['stretch']), **p) indices = covering_order(cluster, wide=p['wide'])[:k] if post: return [self.post_features_item(self, i) for i in indices] else: return indices
[docs]class XGismo(Gismo): """ Given two distinct embeddings base on the same set of documents, builds a new gismo. The features of ``x_embedding`` are the corpus of this new gismo. The features of ``y_embedding`` are the features of this new gismo. The dual embedding of the new gismo is obtained by crossing the two input dual embeddings. xgismo behaves essentially as a gismo object. The main difference is an additional parameter ``y`` for the rank method, to control if the query projection should be performed on the ``y_embedding`` or on the ``x_embedding``. Parameters ---------- x_embedding: Embedding The *left* embedding, which defines the documents of the xgismo. y_embedding: Embedding The *right* embedding, which defines the features of the xgismo. filename: str, optional If set, will load xgismo from file. path: str or Path, optional Directory where the xgismo is to be loaded from. kwargs: dict Custom default runtime parameters. You just need to specify the parameters that differ from :class:`~gismo.parameters.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS`. Examples --------- One the main use case for XGismo consists in transforming a list of articles into a Gismo that relates authors and the words they use. Let's start by retrieving a few articles. >>> toy_url = "" >>> source = [a for a in url2source(toy_url) if int(a['year'])<2023] Then we build the embedding of words. >>> corpus = Corpus(source, to_text=lambda x: x['title']) >>> w_count = CountVectorizer(dtype=float, stop_words='english') >>> w_embedding = Embedding(w_count) >>> w_embedding.fit_transform(corpus) And the embedding of authors. >>> to_authors_text = lambda dic: " ".join([a.replace(' ', '_') for a in dic['authors']]) >>> corpus.to_text = to_authors_text >>> a_count = CountVectorizer(dtype=float, preprocessor=lambda x:x, tokenizer=lambda x: x.split(' ')) >>> a_embedding = Embedding(a_count) >>> a_embedding.fit_transform(corpus) We can now combine the two embeddings in one xgismo. >>> xgismo = XGismo(a_embedding, w_embedding) >>> xgismo.post_documents_item = lambda g, i: g.corpus[i].replace('_', ' ') We can use xgismo to query keyword(s). >>> success = xgismo.rank("Pagerank") >>> xgismo.get_documents_by_rank() ['Mohamed Bouklit', 'Dohy Hong', 'The Dang Huynh'] We can use it to query researcher(s). >>> success = xgismo.rank("Anne_Bouillard", y=False) >>> xgismo.get_documents_by_rank() ['Anne Bouillard', 'Elie de Panafieu', 'Céline Comte', 'Thomas Deiß', 'Philippe Sehier', 'Dmitry Lebedev'] """ def __init__(self, x_embedding=None, y_embedding=None, filename=None, path=".", **kwargs): if filename is not None: self.load(filename=filename, path=path) else: embedding = Embedding() embedding.n = x_embedding.m embedding.m = y_embedding.m embedding.features = y_embedding.features embedding.x =, y_embedding.x) embedding.x_norm = np.ones(embedding.n) embedding.y =, x_embedding.x) embedding.y_norm = np.ones(embedding.m) embedding.idf = y_embedding.idf super().__init__(corpus=Corpus(x_embedding.features, to_text=lambda x: x), embedding=embedding, **kwargs) self.x_projection = x_embedding.query_projection self.y_projection = y_embedding.query_projection
[docs] def rank(self, query="", y=True, **kwargs): """ Runs the DIteration using query as starting point. ``query`` can be evaluated on features (``y=True``) or documents (``y=False``). Parameters ---------- query: str Text that starts DIteration y: bool Determines if query should be evaluated on features (``True``) or documents (``False``). kwargs: dict, optional Custom runtime parameters. Returns ------- success: bool success of the query projection. If projection fails, a ranking on uniform distribution is performed. """ p = self.parameters(**kwargs) if y: z, found = self.y_projection(query) offset = 1.0 else: z, found = self.x_projection(query) z =, self.embedding.x) offset = 0.0 self.embedding._result_found = found self.diteration(self.embedding.x, self.embedding.y, z, alpha=p['alpha'], n_iter=p['n_iter'], offset=offset, memory=p['memory']) return found