========= Reference ========= Gismo is made of multiple small modules designed to be mixed together. * corpus_: The module contains simple wrappers to turn a wide range of document sources into something that Gismo will be able to process. * embedding_: This module can create and manipulate TF-IDTF embeddings out of a corpus. * diteration_: This module transforms queries into relevance vectors that can be used to rank and organize documents and features. * clustering_: This module implements the tree-like organization of selected items * gismo_: The main gismo module combines all modules above to provide high level, end-to-end, analysis methods. * landmarks_: Introduced in v0.4, this high-level module allows deeper analysis of a small corpus by using individual query results for the embedding. * `post processing`_: This module provides a simple, unified, way to apply automatic transformations (e.g. formatting) to the results of an analysis. * filesource_: This module can be used to read documents one-by-one from disk instead of loading them all in memory. Useful for very large corpi. * sentencizer_: This module can leverage a document-level gismo to provide sentence-level analysis. Can be used to extract key phrases (headlines). * datasets_: Collection of access to small or less small datasets. * common_: Multi-purpose module of things that can be used in more than one other module. * parameters_: Management of runtime parameters. Corpus ------- .. autoclass:: gismo.corpus.Corpus :members: .. autoclass:: gismo.corpus.CorpusList :members: .. _embedding: Embedding -------------------- .. automodule:: gismo.embedding :members: DIteration ------------------ .. automodule:: gismo.diteration :members: Clustering ----------------- .. automodule:: gismo.clustering :members: Gismo -------------- .. autoclass:: gismo.gismo.Gismo :members: .. autoclass:: gismo.gismo.XGismo :members: Landmarks -------------- .. automodule:: gismo.landmarks :members: Post Processing ----------------- .. automodule:: gismo.post_processing :members: FileSource ---------------- .. automodule:: gismo.filesource :members: Sentencizer ---------------- .. automodule:: gismo.sentencizer :members: Datasets -------- .. automodule:: gismo.datasets.acm :members: .. automodule:: gismo.datasets.dblp :members: .. automodule:: gismo.datasets.reuters :members: Common ------ .. automodule:: gismo.common :members: Parameters ---------- .. automodule:: gismo.parameters :members: