Source code for kleinberg_grid_simulator.kleingrid

from joblib import Parallel, delayed  # type: ignore
from tqdm import tqdm

from kleinberg_grid_simulator.python_implementation.python_edt import python_edt
from kleinberg_grid_simulator.julia_implementation.julia_edt import julia_edt, big_int_log
from kleinberg_grid_simulator.utils import cache_edt_of_r, get_target, gss, get_best_n_values, logger

[docs] def compute_edt(n=1000, r=2, p=1, q=1, n_runs=10000, julia=True, numba=True, parallel=False): """ Computation of the expected delivery time (edt). Parameters ---------- n: :class:`int`, default=1000 Grid siDe r: :class:`float`, default=2.0 Shortcut exponent p: :class:`int`, default=1 Local range q: :class:`int`, default=1 Number of shortcuts n_runs: :class:`int`, default=10000 Number of routes to compute julia: :class:`bool`, default=True Use Julia backend. numba: :class:`bool`, default=True Use JiT compilation (Python backend) parallel: :class:`bool`, default=False Parallelize runs (Python backend with Numba). Use for single, lengthy computation. Coarse-grained (high-level) parallelisation is preferred. Returns ------- :class:`~kleinberg_grid_simulator.utils.Result` The expected number of steps to go from one point of the grid to another point of the grid. Examples -------- >>> from juliacall import Main as jl >>> jl.set_seed(42) Julia: TaskLocalRNG() >>> from kleinberg_grid_simulator.python_implementation.seed import set_seeds >>> set_seeds(42, 51) >>> compute_edt(n=1000, r=.5, n_runs=100) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result(edt=79.93, process_time=..., n=1000, r=0.5, p=1, q=1, n_runs=100, julia=True) >>> compute_edt(n=1000, r=.5, n_runs=100, julia=False, numba=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result(edt=85.93, process_time=..., n=1000, r=0.5, p=1, q=1, n_runs=100, numba=False, parallel=False) >>> compute_edt(n=1000, r=1, n_runs=100) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result(edt=66.39, process_time=..., n=1000, r=1, p=1, q=1, n_runs=100, julia=True) >>> compute_edt(n=1000, r=1, n_runs=100, julia=False, numba=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result(edt=69.44, process_time=..., n=1000, r=1, p=1, q=1, n_runs=100, numba=False, parallel=False) >>> compute_edt(n=1000, r=1.5, n_runs=100) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result(edt=57.91, process_time=..., n=1000, r=1.5, p=1, q=1, n_runs=100, julia=True) >>> compute_edt(n=1000, r=1.5, n_runs=100, julia=False, numba=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result(edt=55.8, process_time=..., n=1000, r=1.5, p=1, q=1, n_runs=100, numba=False, parallel=False) >>> compute_edt(n=1000, r=2, n_runs=100) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result(edt=69.53, process_time=..., n=1000, r=2, p=1, q=1, n_runs=100, julia=True) >>> compute_edt(n=1000, r=2, n_runs=100, julia=False, numba=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result(edt=67.28, process_time=..., n=1000, r=2, p=1, q=1, n_runs=100, numba=False, parallel=False) >>> compute_edt(n=1000, r=2.5, n_runs=100) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result(edt=187.74, process_time=..., n=1000, r=2.5, p=1, q=1, n_runs=100, julia=True) >>> compute_edt(n=1000, r=2.5, n_runs=100, julia=False, numba=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Result(edt=167.85, process_time=..., n=1000, r=2.5, p=1, q=1, n_runs=100, numba=False, parallel=False) >>> compute_edt(n=10000000000, r=1.5, n_runs=10000, p=2, q=2) # doctest: +SKIP Result(edt=6846.631, process_time=13.0, n=10000000000, r=1.5, p=2, q=2, n_runs=10000, julia=True) >>> compute_edt(n=10000000000, r=1.5, n_runs=10000, p=2, q=2, julia=False, parallel=True) # doctest: +SKIP Result(edt=6823.2369, process_time=27.796875, n=10000000000, r=1.5, p=2, q=2, n_runs=10000, numba=True, parallel=True) """ if julia: return julia_edt(n=n, r=r, p=p, q=q, n_runs=n_runs) else: return python_edt(n=n, r=r, p=p, q=q, n_runs=n_runs, numba=numba, parallel=parallel)
[docs] def parallelize(values, function=None, n_jobs=-1): """ Straight-forward parallel computing for different values. Parameters ---------- values: :class:`list` of :class:`dict` Values to test. Each element is a dict of arguments to pass. function: callable, default=:meth:`~kleingrid.kleingrid.compute_edt` Function to apply. n_jobs: :class:`int`, default=-1 Number of workers to spawn using `joblib convention`_. Returns ------- :class:`list` The outputs of the function. Examples -------- >>> values = [{'n': 2**i, 'n_runs': 100} for i in range(7, 11)] >>> res = parallelize(values) >>> [r.edt for r in res] # doctest: +SKIP [30.95, 40.82, 54.06, 69.9] .. _joblib convention: """ if function is None: function = compute_edt def with_key(v): return function(**v) return Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(tqdm(( delayed(with_key)(v) for v in values), total=len(values)))
[docs] def get_bounds(n, offset_start=.1, n_runs=10000, golden_boost=100): """ Parameters ---------- n: :class:`int`, default=1000 Grid siDe, offset_start: :class:`float`, default=.1 Increments to use to discover upper/lower bounds. n_runs: :class:`int`, default=10000 Number of runs for regular computation. golden_boost: class:`int` Number of runs multiplier for the Golden-search, which is more noise-sensitive. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Estimated bounds + relevant input parameters. Examples -------- >>> from juliacall import Main as jl >>> jl.set_seed(42) Julia: TaskLocalRNG() >>> get_bounds(2**20, n_runs=100, golden_boost=10) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {'n': 1048576, 'n_runs': 100, 'golden_boost': 10, 'ref_edt': 350.54, 'r2+': 2.1828125000000003, 'r_opt': 1.8667184270002521, 'min_edt': 323.95000000000005, 'r-': 1.825038820250189, 'r2-': 1.4624999999999995} """ f = cache_edt_of_r(compute_edt=compute_edt, n=n, n_runs=n_runs) ff = cache_edt_of_r(compute_edt=compute_edt, n=n, n_runs=golden_boost * n_runs) r = 2. res = {'n': n, 'n_runs': n_runs, 'golden_boost': golden_boost}"Computing ref_edt, n={n}") ref = f(r) res['ref_edt'] = ref"Computing upper bound for r2+, n={n}") r += offset_start while f(r) < 2 * ref: r += offset_start up2b = r"Computing r2+, n={n}") up2 = get_target(f, 2, up2b, 2 * ref) res['r2+'] = up2"Computing lower bound for r-, n={n}") r = 2 - offset_start while (f(r) < ref) and r >= 0: r -= offset_start loa = r"Computing optimal r in [{loa:.2f}, 2], n={n}") m, fm = gss(ff, loa, 2) res['r_opt'] = m res['min_edt'] = fm if r < 0: res['r-'] = 0. res['r2-'] = 0. return res"Computing r-, n={n}") lo = get_target(f, m, loa, ref) res['r-'] = lo"Computing lower bound for r2-, n={n}") while (f(r) < 2 * ref) and r >= 0: r -= offset_start lo2a = r if lo2a < 0: res['r2-'] = 0. return res"Computing r2-, n={n}") b = min(lo2a + offset_start, lo) lo2 = get_target(f, b, lo2a, 2 * ref) res['r2-'] = lo2 return res
[docs] def estimate_alpha(r, p=10, budget=20): """ Parameters ---------- r: :class:`float` Shortcut exponent to investigate. p: :class:`int` Initial investigation starts at 2**p. budget: :class:`int` How many seconds we want to spend on the estimation. Returns ------- alpha: :class:`float` Complexity exponent, e.g. the edt seems to behave in n**alpha. n: :class:`int` Greatest value of n considered. Examples -------- >>> alpha, n = estimate_alpha(1.5, budget=4) >>> alpha # doctest: +SKIP 0.33442226161905353 >>> n # doctest: +SKIP 10071350 """ n1 = 2**p while n1 is not None: log_of_n = int(100*big_int_log(n1))/100"Computing alpha for r={r} between n=2**{log_of_n:.2f} and n=2**{1+log_of_n:.2f}.") v1 = compute_edt(n=n1, r=r) v2 = compute_edt(n=n1*2, r=r) process_time = v1.process_time+v2.process_time n1, alpha = get_best_n_values(v1, v2, budget=budget)"Estimated alpha={alpha} computed in {process_time:.2f} seconds.") if process_time > budget/2/4**alpha: break return alpha, v2.n