Source code for kleinberg_grid_simulator.python_implementation.greedy_walk
import numpy as np
from numba import prange # type: ignore
def edt_gen(gen, n, p, q, n_runs):
Core computation of Expected Delivery Time (edt).
gen: callable
Function that draws relative shortcuts
n: :class:`int`
Grid siDe
p: :class:`int`
Local range
q: :class:`int`
Number of shortcuts
n_runs: :class:`int`
Number of routes to compute
Expected Delivery Time
steps = 0
for _ in prange(n_runs):
s_x = np.random.randint(n)
s_y = np.random.randint(n)
d_x = np.random.randint(n)
d_y = np.random.randint(n)
d = np.abs(s_x - d_x) + np.abs(s_y - d_y)
while d > 0:
d_s, sh_x, sh_y = 2 * n, -1, -1
for j in range(q):
c_s, ch_x, ch_y = 2 * n, -1, -1
while not ((0 <= ch_x < n - 1) and (0 <= ch_y < n - 1)):
r_x, r_y = gen()
ch_x = s_x + r_x
ch_y = s_y + r_y
c_s = np.abs(d_x - ch_x) + np.abs(d_y - ch_y)
if c_s < d_s:
d_s, sh_x, sh_y = c_s, ch_x, ch_y
if d_s < d - p:
d, s_x, s_y = d_s, sh_x, sh_y
d = d - p
delta_x = min(p, np.abs(d_x - s_x))
delta_y = p - delta_x
s_x += delta_x * np.sign(d_x - s_x)
s_y += delta_y * np.sign(d_y - s_y)
steps += 1
return steps / n_runs