Full Tutorial#
Package Helper 3 helps you create, develop and maintain a package managed by Poetry. If you use all the tools presented in this tutorial, things will work this way:
You create the file structure of your package in less than a minute with the ph3 command.
You use the IDE PyCharm. It is configured to:
Generate the documentation of your package locally, possibly including notebooks.
Run the unit tests, including the ones from your docstrings (doctests).
Generate a local html page displaying what parts of the package are covered by the unit tests.
Your project is on GitHub. When you push modifications:
GitHub automatically generates the documentation in order to check if it works correctly,
If the branch is your default branch (“main” or “master”), Github automatically publishes the documentation online,
GitHub automatically runs the unit tests on several versions of Python.
Codecov displays what parts of the package are covered by the unit tests.
When you make a release on GitHub, it automatically publishes your package on PyPI. This way, any Python user can install it with
pip install
For people who used PH3 before and don’t need all explanations, a quick recap is proposed in the end just to remind the key steps.