
0.3.1 (XXXX-XX-XX): Small improvements#

  • Add git command to exclude gh-pages from fetch

0.3.0 (2023-11-07): Incorporate feedbacks#

  • Add option to choose PyData theme (new default).

  • PH3 documentation now uses PyData.

  • Remove choice of default git branch. It is now always main.

  • Add markdown support:

    • Root documentation files (e.g. README.md) are in Markdown format for simplicity;

    • Structural documentation files (inside docs/) are in reStructuredText format for flexibility;

    • Boilerplate tutorials stay in notebook format (.ipynb).

  • Lots of typos squashed.

  • Dependencies bumped.

0.2.0 (2023-10-20): Fully working release#

  • CLI command (ph3) has been tested in real conditions.

  • Tutorials to describe the main steps (installation, creation, release).

  • One recap tutorial to remind the important stuff at one glance.

  • FAQ for specific/advanced/optional questions.

  • Many bugs squashed.

0.1.1 (2023-10-17): Bugfix#

  • Actual template was not included in the wheel.

0.1.0 (2023-10-17): First release#

  • Cookiecutter generates automatically the run configurations for PyCharm: “All tests” and “Generate docs”.

  • It is possible to choose “main” or “master” as the default git branch; default to “main”.

  • Generate a local html page displaying the test coverage.

  • Missing features: publish on pypi template action and tutorial